EconCE( bank creation)
04(39) Balance sheet (excess reserve$200) Assets -reserves$500 -loans$1000 Liabilities -deposits$1500 Q:Suppose $300 worth of deposits is withdrawn from the banking system. What will the maximum possible amount of bank deposits be? ANS: $1000 WHY??? 請各位 指點一二,謝謝
rrr = [( 500 - 200 ) / 1500] x 100% = 20% When $300 is withdrawn, reserves become = $ 500 - $ 300 = $ 200 Required reserves = $ ( 1500 - 300 ) x 20% = $ 240 Thus reserves fall short of $ 40. Maximum change in deposits = - $ 40 x ( 1 / 20% ) = - $ 200 Hence the maximum possible amount of deposits: $ 1500 - $ 300 - $ 200 = $ 1000
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in this question, the required reserve ratio = 300/1500 x 100%=20% when $300 is withdrawn, the reserve becomes $200. That amount will be the minimum required reserve. So, the maximum deposit will be $200 / 20% = $10006FE1C172E25AFD66