



我訂單完成且線上刷卡了..3天後收到官網的mail..看不大懂..有誰能幫幫我ㄋ....感謝..Dear dELiA*s Customer,Thank you for shopping with Delia's. Your order E5413394 has been received and is being held for additional verification purposes. We can verify your order via fax if it is easier for you. We will need for you to fax us a... 顯示更多 我訂單完成且線上刷卡了..3天後收到官網的mail..看不大懂..有誰能幫幫我ㄋ....感謝.. Dear dELiA*s Customer, Thank you for shopping with Delia's. Your order E5413394 has been received and is being held for additional verification purposes. We can verify your order via fax if it is easier for you. We will need for you to fax us a copy of the front and back of your credit card along with a copy of your photo id. We also need a written statement from the credit card holder verifying the amount of the purchase and the signature of the credit card holder. Please make sure that everything in the fax is clear and easy to read. You can fax this information to 1-614-818-2730 or call us at 1-614-891-8354. Please contact us no later than 3/30/2007 or your order may be canceled. If you have any other questions, Order Management Services will be happy to assist you when you call us at the phone number above. Thank you, Teake Order Management Services 更新: 請問`煮杯子姐姐(辛苦)..你知道國內fax到國外多少錢嗎..確定是官網發ㄉmail..第1次碰到要這些資料ㄉ廠商..如果打電話是不是比較快ㄋ..但是語言不通..很麻煩..可否幫忙ㄋ..


你確定這是官網發的電子郵件嗎?? 因為他要你將你的信用卡正反兩面copy傳真給他們. fax1-614-818-2730 如果你沒在3/30/2007前將信用卡正反兩面.你的定單將會被取消. 整封信的意思是說 你的定單已經收到了.可是還須要經過壹道檢查手續. 我們需要你將你的信用卡正反兩面跟你的身份證明正反兩面copy傳真給我們.如果你方便使用傳真的話. 我們還需要信用卡的持卡人寫一封信列明此份定單的金額跟持卡人的簽名. 你可以將東西傳真到1-614-818-6430或是打電話到1-614-891-8354. 我們須要在3/30/2007前收到上述資料..逾期你的定單將會被取消. 如果你還有任何問題..歡迎打電話來訊問. 2007-03-21 00:12:24 補充: 多少錢我是不清楚耶 我本身人不住台灣了 不過我想傳真會比打電話便宜吧 因為打電話還要等轉接..傳真就不用了





喔~一定是對方無法確認你的帳號 才需要你的信用卡正反面 這在美國很常見 不用那麼擔心 如果要騙你 拿到你的卡號就好了 何必要你去FAX給他 讓你起疑呢 很多美國的信用卡系統是無法去確認外國卡的 為了防盜卡者去上網買東西 也為了確認你是真正的持卡者 你要FAX信用卡和你的照片ID (護照 駕照 或是學生證都可以) 除此外你還要持卡者手寫下付款的價錢和簽名 這些FAX過去你才算是真正購買成功 美國國碼是1 你若不想FAX 可回email問她們能不能接受你的 PDF 或JPG (圖檔) 你可以說你不方便FAX 但能夠用E MAIL的方法將文件回圖檔給他 問法是: Can I send my photo ID , credit card copy, and signature form by scanned image instead of fax? 2007-03-21 05:43:54 補充: 忘了中譯 剛剛那句是說: 我能不能將身分證, 信用卡和簽名都用掃描的方式然後EMAIL給你呢

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