[龍珠]系列一問 , 專家的幫幫手, 簡單問題
我剛睇完GT版 想繼續睇落去 以我所知,肯定有的續集 就有 EX(西班牙) AF(日本) 新AF(日本) 大亂鬥 好似仲有個冥界篇,唔肯定 專家們 ,唔知有d咩可以補充? GT後面所有野 都唔知..未睇 幫我輕輕介紹下,我想知道曬所有系列 再一次過睇 (有個疑問, 見到youtube好多系列的剎亞人,有d好似GT都未見過) 系咪有其他的動畫架?
download pps pps got all the film/tv or else that u want
youtube果D剎亞人5係嫁!!! 只係美國同人畫嫁!!! EX(西班牙) AF(日本) 新AF(日本) 大亂鬥 全部都係同人畫嫁!!! 「龍珠系列只係得七龍珠(第一部),龍珠Z(第二部),龍珠GT(第三部)」 PS:5G咩係同人就去睇下la> http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%90%8C%E4%BA%BA|||||There is one new movie set right after Buu Saga. Dragonball: Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return!! 2008 After GT, there is a movie about Pan's grandson searching for Goku's dragonball alone with his friend. A Hero's Legacy 1997 There are 2 OVAs based on the games after GT. Dragonball Z side story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyajins 2010 Dragonball:Episode of Bardock 2011 (VCD gift) The other Super Saiyajin 4 (Trunks, Gohan) only appear in Dragonball Heros(2010) machine game. Dragonball: Zenkai Battle Royal 2011