Statistics Problem~~~~
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A random sample of 415 potential voters was interviewed 3 weeks before the start of a state wide campaign for governor; 223 of the 415 said they favored the new candidate over the incumbent. However, the new candidate made several unfortunate remarks one week before election. Subsequently, a new random sample of... 顯示更多 A random sample of 415 potential voters was interviewed 3 weeks before the start of a state wide campaign for governor; 223 of the 415 said they favored the new candidate over the incumbent. However, the new candidate made several unfortunate remarks one week before election. Subsequently, a new random sample of 630 potential voters showed that 317 voters favored the new candidate. Do these data support the conclusion that there was a decrease in voter support for the new candidate after the unfortunate remarks were made? Give appropriate statistical evidence to support your answer.
p1=223/415=0.5373 p2=317/630=0.5032 H0:p2>=p1 H1:H0 is not true pi hat=(223+317)/(415+630)=540/1045=0.5167 z =(0.5032-0.5373)/sqrt[(0.5167)(0.4833)(1/415+1/630)] =-0.0341/(0.03159) =-1.0794 alpha=0.1, critical value=-1.28 Since Z>-1.28 So do not reject H0 and conclude that there was no decrease in voter support for the new candidate after the unfortunate remarks were made 2008-04-04 00:03:09 補充: > >