About Buffon's needle experiment ------ 10 point !
以下係Buffon's needle experiment的簡介: 有一張單行紙,紙上的線全為平衡線且每條線的距離一樣. 現將某些長度跟平衡線的距離一樣的針扔在單行紙上. 假設所有針落在單行紙內,問針與平衡線相交的理論概率為多少?
Introduction Buffon's Needle is one of the oldest problems in the field of geometrical probability. It was first stated in 1777. It involves dropping a needle on a lined sheet of paper and determining the probability of the needle crossing one of the lines on the page. The remarkable result is that the probability is directly related to the value of pi. These pages will present an analytical solution to the problem along with a Java program for simulating the needle drop in the simplest case scenario in which the length of the needle is the same as the distance between the lines. The Simplest Case Let's take the simple case first. In this case, the length of the needle is one unit and the distance between the lines is also one unit. There are two variables, the angle at which the needle falls (theta) and the distance from the center of the needle to the closest line (D). Theta can vary from 0 to 180 degrees and is measured against a line parallel to the lines on the paper. The distance from the center to the closest line can never be more that half the distance between the lines. The graph below depicts this situation. 圖片參考:http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/reese/buffon/situation.gif The needle in the picture misses the line. The needle will hit the line if the closest distance to a line (D) is less than or equal to 1/2 times the sine of theta. That is, D