Asiamiles convert to CX Marco Polo
Does anyone know if Asiamiles membership can convert to the CX Marco Polo Membership? If yes, please provide details on how to convert?
Dun Understand the meaning of your question. Basically, if you wanna join the MP club, you fill in the form and pay USD50 registration, and tell them your asiamile membership number. OR If you fly a lot, they will INVITE you. OR You may get the MP membership by Credit Card Privilige. think no longer exists now. basically, the CX Marco Polo Membership is included Asiamiles, i.e. you will link your current Asiamiles to CX Marco Polo Membership, not conversion. **** WRONG! It is Asiamile membership is included in Marco Polo Membership.
Marco Polo Cx|||||兩個會是不同的. 登入www.cathaypacific.com揀選frequent flyers剔入the marco polo club 亦可到國泰的office索取申請表格,入會費USD:50 MARCO POLO hotline tel:2747 5500|||||yes and you can just simply call the customer service hotline the staff can arrange your conversion. basically, the CX Marco Polo Membership is included Asiamiles, i.e. you will link your current Asiamiles to CX Marco Polo Membership, not conversion.