

幫忙翻譯一下 洛杉磯結婚證書


幫忙翻譯一下1. we the undersigned declare that we are an unmamed man and an unmarried woman not minor and have been living tgether as husband and wife and that the foregoing information is ture and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief that no legal objection to the marriage nor to the issuance of a license... 顯示更多 幫忙翻譯一下 1. we the undersigned declare that we are an unmamed man and an unmarried woman not minor and have been living tgether as husband and wife and that the foregoing information is ture and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief that no legal objection to the marriage nor to the issuance of a license is known to us and hereby apply for a License and certificate of confidential marriage. 2. I the undersigned empowered by the laws of the state of california do hereby certify that the above-named partiesto be married have personally appeared before me, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory avidence, have declared of affined that they meet all the requirements of the law and the fees prescribed by law have been paid do hereby authorize said parites to be married pursuanl to section 500, family code or that this license was issured to the person performing the ceremony upon that person's presentation of an affidevil signed by the person and the parties to be married due to the inhability of one or both of the parties to be married to physically appear . The affidavit explans the reason for inability to appear in accordance with section 502 family code


公文類文章, 力求內容之準確, 但翻出來後有點不倫不類, 請參考. we the undersigned declare that we are an unmarried man and an unmarried woman not minor and have been living together as husband and wife and that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief that no legal objection to the marriage nor to the issuance of a license is known to us and hereby apply for a License and certificate of confidential marriage. 本人, 署名如下, 聲明兩造皆未婚成年男女, 並已以父妻之實共同生活.據實以報並且相信未違法任何婚姻法規. 據此申請核發結婚證書. I the undersigned empowered by the laws of the state of California do hereby certify that the above-named parties to be married have personally appeared before me, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, have declared of affined that they meet all the requirements of the law and the fees prescribed by law have been paid do hereby authorize said parties to be married pursuant to section 500, family code or that this license was issued to the person performing the ceremony upon that person's presentation of an affidavit signed by the person and the parties to be married due to the inability of one or both of the parties to be married to physically appear . The affidavit explains the reason for inability to appear in accordance with section 502 family code 本人, 署名如下, 以加州政府賦予之權力, 本人證實 1)依據足夠的證據顯示, 出席者為雙方當事人, 其聲稱符合所有法律的規定, 並已繳納法定的費用, 依家庭法第500條, 本人在此公證上述雙方婚姻為實, 或 2)婚禮舉辦人據有當事人簽署之切結書, 說明雙方或任一當事人未能出席公證之原因,其符合家庭法第502條之規定者. 本人亦將結婚證書發予該婚禮舉辦人.




1. 我們下列署名人宣佈我們是不較小一個unmamed男人和一名未婚的婦女, 並且作為丈夫和妻子是活著tgether,上述的訊息是ture並且改正成我們的知識和信任的最好的那 對結婚的沒有法律異議也非對一張許可證的發行為我們所熟知並且特此申請祕密的結婚的一張許可證和證書。 2. 我下列署名人以授權州california的法律特此證明上面列舉partiesto結婚親自出現下我面前, 根據令人滿意的avidence 對我證明, affined 宣佈他們償付的全部法律和以法律規定的費用的要求得到報償特此批准說與pursuanl結婚的parites 對第500 部分來說,家庭代碼或者這張許可證是在那個人的人和聚會在上主持典禮上簽字的affidevil的贈送的人的issured 結婚由於一的inhability或者嫁給的的兩個聚會都身體上出現。 供詞explans不能根據第502 部分家庭代碼出庭的原因|||||好像有英文字打錯了,字怪怪的7C4150FCDCEDD023

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