拜託拜託,各位英文好手。最近正在寫生平的第一篇研究摘要的部份需要英文,所以希望能有人幫忙一下。切勿使用翻譯軟體 內容較跟醫學有關,所以可能需要比較偏向醫科專業的好手... 顯示更多 拜託拜託,各位英文好手。 最近正在寫生平的第一篇研究 摘要的部份需要英文,所以希望能有人幫忙一下。 切勿使用翻譯軟體 內容較跟醫學有關,所以可能需要比較偏向醫科專業的好手 本研究旨在探討懷孕婦女的體質與壓力的相關性,採描述性、相關性設計之研究方法,以結構性問卷收集資料,於產前檢查時進行一次的資料收集,總共取樣502名婦女。研究工具包括人口學基本資料及中醫體質評估量表。結果發現:壓力程度分別與「陰血虛」、「陽氣虛」及「痰濕瘀滯」同樣有顯著性正相關。本研究結果可作為健康專業人員於西醫照護模式下之臨床實務的參考,能適當的協助懷孕婦女減輕壓力,使其體質能更趨向健康,本研究亦能提供體質與壓力的相關研究依據。 中間有 陰血虛、陽氣虛及痰濕瘀滯 等中醫名詞,可以不用翻譯。 謝謝
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我有兩種翻法: 1.Of the research is for the purpose of discussing the being pregnant woman's physique and the pressure relevance, picks of research technique the descriptive, the relevant design, by constitutive questionnaire collection material, in prenatal visit when carries on a time acquisition of information, altogether takes a sample 502 women. Studies the tool including the demography basic document and the Chinese medicine physique appraisal meter. Result discovery: The pressure degree separately with “the cloudy blood deficiency and related debilities”, “the positive lacking in vital energy” and “the phlegm wet stasis stagnates” has the significance to be related similarly. This findings may look after under the pattern as the health specialists in the doctor practicing western medicine the clinical practice reference, can the suitable assistance be pregnant the woman to reduce the pressure, enables its physique to tend to the health, this research can also provide the physique and the pressure related research basis. 2.Study aims to explore the pregnant women's physical and stress the relevance of descriptive, correlation design research methods, a structured questionnaire to collect information on prenatal care and conduct a data collection, sampling a total of 502 women. Research tools include basic demographic information and the Chinese constitution Assessment Scale. The results showed that: stress levels, respectively "Yin blood deficiency", "Yang Qi" and "phlegm stasis," also has significant positive correlation. The results of this study can be used as health care professionals in the Western medical care model of clinical practice under the reference for proper assistance to pregnant women to reduce the pressure to make it more towards physical health, this study can also provide physical basis for stress-related research. 希望對你有幫助
英 1.Of the research is for the purpose of discussing the being pregnant woman's physique and the pressure relevance, picks of research technique the descriptive, the relevant design, by constitutive questionnaire collection material, in prenatal visit when carries on a time acquisition of information, altogether takes a sample 502 women. Studies the tool including the demography basic document and the Chinese medicine physique appraisal meter. Result discovery: The pressure degree separately with “the cloudy blood deficiency and related debilities”, “the positive lacking in vital energy” and “the phlegm wet stasis stagnates” has the significance to be related similarly. This findings may look after under the pattern as the health specialists in the doctor practicing western medicine the clinical practice reference, can the suitable assistance be pregnant the woman to reduce the pressure, enables its physique to tend to the health, this research can also provide the physique and the pressure related research basis. 日 1.Ofは存在妊娠したwoman'を論議するために研究ある; 情報の時間の獲得を続けていく時sの体格および圧力関連性の研究の技術の一突きは説明的のの関連した設計、出生前の訪問の構成するアンケートのコレクション材料によって、全体でサンプルに502人の女性を取る。 調査は人口統計学基本的な文書を含む用具および中国薬の体格の評価メーターで計る。 結果の発見: 圧力程度に別にぬれた静止状態が」沈滞する「曇った血の不足とおよび関連のdebilities」、「重大なエネルギーの肯定的な欠乏」および「phlegm同様に関連付けられるべき重大さがある。 この調査結果はパターンの下で西部の薬を練習している妊娠する圧力を減らす医者の健康の専門家が臨床練習の参照、適した援助女性ように健康にがちであることを可能にする体格が守るかもしれないこの研究はまた体格および圧力関連研究の基礎を提供できる。 拜託支持 2009-09-29 17:56:08 補充: 要有創意7C4150FCDCEDD023