Econ 問題 (Tax)
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Given:Taxable income $ Tax payment $10000 30020000 50030000 X40000 600Suppose the tax described above is a regressive tax. Which of the following is correct?A. X must not be equal to 600B X must not be... 顯示更多 Given: Taxable income $ Tax payment $ 10000 300 20000 500 30000 X 40000 600 Suppose the tax described above is a regressive tax. Which of the following is correct? A. X must not be equal to 600 B X must not be greater than 600 C. X may be greater than 600 D. X may be equal to 500 Why answer is D? 更新: Why is B not correct? If C is wrong, B should be correct.
Taxable income $ Tax payment $ Tax rate 10000 300 3% 20000 500 2.5% 30000 X (1.67%) 40000 600 1.5% If X = 500, Tax rate = 500/30000 = 1.67% The tax payment still take a decreasing proportion (decreasing %) of one's taxable income when the taxable income increases (definition of regressive tax).