


請幫我把這五段中文翻成英文 1.不好意思,這位陳先生在哪一間病房?!我有事要找他 2.對不起囉!!奉命從美國來殺你的!! 3.你為什麼會有這種力量?! 4.小子還不賴!! 5.他在501號病房中修養,他才剛醒而已


1.不好意思,這位陳先生在哪一間病房?!我有事要找他 Excuse me, which room is this Mr. Chen? I'm looking for him. 2.對不起囉!!奉命從美國來殺你的!! Sorry, I was sent from the States to kill you. 3.你為什麼會有這種力量?! Why do you have such power? 4.小子還不賴!! Not bad, kid! 5.他在501號病房中修養,他才剛醒而已 He is resting in room 501. He just woke up.




1.不好意思,這位陳先生在哪一間病房?!我有事要找他 Excuse me, what is the room number of Mr. Chen? I looking for him. 2.對不起囉!!奉命從美國來殺你的!! Sorry, I was order by the States to kill you. 3.你為什麼會有這種力量?! Why do you have such power?! 4.小子還不賴!! Not bad, kid!! 5.他在501號病房中修養,他才剛醒而已 He is resting in room 501, he just woke up.|||||1.不好意思,這位陳先生在哪一間病房?!我有事要找他 Excuse me. I wonder where I can find Mr. Chen. I am looking for him. 2.對不起囉!!奉命從美國來殺你的!! Sorry my dear, I am ordered to take your life from the United States of America. 3.你為什麼會有這種力量?! How would you have such a power? 4.小子還不賴!! Not bad, kid! 5.他在501號病房中修養,他才剛醒而已 He's resting in room 501. He's just woke up!|||||1.Sorry, in which ward is this Mr. Chen? ! I have a thing to look for him 2.Sorry ! ! Come to kill you from U.S.A. upon instruction! ! 3.Why will you have this kind of strength? ! 4.The boy is still good ! ! 5.His training in ward 501, he just woke up7C4150FCDCEDD023

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