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Spider silk displays torsion shape memoryMECHANICAL PROPERTIESMaterials scientists have long envied the strength andtoughness of spider draglines. Now researchers fromthe Universities of Rennes in France and Oxford in theUK have shown that the naturally spun silk possessesunrivalled torsional qualities too... 顯示更多 Spider silk displays torsion shape memory MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Materials scientists have long envied the strength and toughness of spider draglines. Now researchers from the Universities of Rennes in France and Oxford in the UK have shown that the naturally spun silk possesses unrivalled torsional qualities too [Emile et al., Nature (2006) 440, 621]. Their findings explain why spiders do not twist when hanging from a thread. The researchers investigated spider silk's twist properties using a torsional pendulum to keep the period of oscillation independent from its amplitude.
蜘蛛絲可展現出扭轉狀的記憶力 機械特性 長久以來 , 物理學家羨慕蜘蛛絲的堅韌性 .而近期 ,從法國翰尼大學和英國牛津大學的研究也員展示出了自然的蜘蛛絲擁有著無可比擬的扭轉質.[艾米爾博士等人, 自然雜誌 2006年 第440冊 文章編號621]. 他們的發現解釋了為什麼蜘蛛不會旋轉當它們只用一根絲吊著 .為了獨立擺動的週期的擴大, 研究員研究蜘蛛絲的特性時藉由扭力鍾錘來幫助研究.