




資菸害防治新法 Tobacco Hazards Prevention 菸害申訴專線 Complain on Tobacco Hazards Hotline: 0800-531-531免費戒菸專線 Total-free Smokers' Helpline: 0800-63-63-63於禁菸場所吸菸 Smoking in prohibited places處新台幣2千至1萬元罰鍰 Will be Fined $200~100,00未於所有入口明顯處張貼禁菸標示" No Smoking" signs are not clearly displayed... 顯示更多 資菸害防治新法 Tobacco Hazards Prevention 菸害申訴專線 Complain on Tobacco Hazards Hotline: 0800-531-531 免費戒菸專線 Total-free Smokers’ Helpline: 0800-63-63-63 於禁菸場所吸菸 Smoking in prohibited places 處新台幣2千至1萬元罰鍰 Will be Fined $200~100,00 未於所有入口明顯處張貼禁菸標示 ” No Smoking” signs are not clearly displayed at all entrances 處新台幣1至5萬罰鍰 Will be Fined $10,000 to $50,000 提供吸菸工具(如煙灰缸、打火機等) Provide the smoking-related equipment 處新台幣1至5萬罰鍰 Will be Fined $10,000 to $50,000 98年1月11日,新法上路,公共場所全面禁煙 Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act Effective January 11th, 2009 Smoking is prohibited in public place. 有吸菸喝酒嚼食檳榔者,請定期接受口腔粘膜篩檢 Who smokes, drinks, and chews betel nut needs have the oral cavity mucus examination. 大眾運輸工具 All Public Transportation Vehicles 文教機構 Education Institutions 醫療機構 Medical agencies and facilities 金融電信業 Financial institutes and telecommunication companies 政府機關 Government Organizations 商場 Market Places 餐飲業 Restaurants 3人以上室內工作場所 Workplace that have 3 or more employees 會議室 Meeting Room 公眾休閒 娛樂場所 Leisure Entertainment Locations 網咖 Internet coffee shop 請幫我把資料翻譯成泰國文~~~~~謝謝你


???????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????????: 0800-531-531 ????????????? ?????? Smokers' Helpline: 0800-63-63-63 ??????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ???????? 2 ?????? 1000 ????????? 10,000 ?????? ?????? $ 200 ~ 100,00 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "????????????" ????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? 1-50000 ???? ???????????????????? $ 10,000 $ 50,000 ??????????????????????????? (???? ashtrays, lighters ???) ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? 1-50000 ???? ???????????????????? $ 10,000 $ 50,000 98 ?? 11 ????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? 11. ?????? 2009 ?????????????????????????????. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? mucosal ??? smokes, ?????????????? chews ???????????????????????????????????????. ?????????? ??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????????????????????????? ????????? 3 ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? 3 ?????????? ?????????? ????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????



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