

Green day有咩歌


Green day有咩歌




有好多架啵= =" 係唔係要打曬? 1000 hours 16 2000 light years away 409 in your coffeemaker 80 86 All by myself All the time American Idiot Android Are we the waiting Armatage shanks At the library Bab's uvula who? Basket case Best thing in town Blitzkrieg Bop * Blood, sex and booze Boulevard of broken dreams Brain stew Brat Burnout Castaway Christie road Chump Church on sunday Coming clean Dead beat holiday Desensitized Disappearing boy Do da da Dominated love slave Don't leave me Don't wanna fall in love Dry ice DUI (Driving Under the Influence) Emenius sleepus Extraordinary girl Eye of the tiger * F.O.D. Fashion victim Favorite Son Geek stink breath Give me novacaine Going to pasalacqua Good riddance Good riddance (Time of your life) Governator Green day Ha Ha You're dead Haushinka Having a blast Hitchin' a ride Hold on Holiday Homecoming 1 Homecoming 2 Homecoming 3 Homecoming 4 Homecoming 5 I fought the law I want to be alone I want to be on TV I was there In the end J.A.R. (Jason Andrew Relva) Jack ass Jaded Jesus of suburbia Jinx Johnny b goode * King for a day Knowledge Letterbomb Like a rat does cheese Longview Macy's day parade Maria Minority Misery My generation Nice guys finish last No one knows No pride On the wagon One for the razorbacks One of my lies Only of you Outsider Panic song Papers lanterns Platypus (I hate you) Poprocks & coke Private ale Prosthetic head Pulling teeth Redundant Reject Rest Road to acceptance Rotting Santa Claus is coming to town Sassafras roots Scattered Scumbag She She's a rebel Shoplifter Shout * Sick Sick of me St Jimmy Strangeland Stuart and the ave Stuck with me Suffocate Sweet children Take back Teenage lobotomy * The angel and the jerk The ballad of Wilhelm Fink The grouch The judge's daughter The one I want Tight wad hill Tired of waiting (for you) Too much, too soon Uptight Waiting Wake me up when september ends Walking alone Walking contradiction Warning Welcome to paradise Westbound sign Whatsername When I come around Who wrote holden caulfield? Why do you want him? Words I might have ate Worry rock You lied 一個外國網(我諗呢D應該係全部= =") 2007-03-08 22:45:02 補充: 我諗應該係全部(可能無同U2合作果首)



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