physics [conduction]
Some stew pots made of stainless steel are copper plated .Explain how this design helps spread heat more evenly .(Hint:stainless steel is not a very good conductor compared to copper)
30 years ago, people using copper pot to cook rice because the heat conduction efficiency is very high. Somebody found that it's no health. 10 years ago, people using stainless steel pan to solve the problems but it's easy to stick. Al/Cu is good in heat conduction but 1. It's poor in the corrosion resistance. 2. The oxide of copper is not good for eating. Stainless steetl is poor heat conductance but it's good in the corrosion resistance & for cooking pots. Thus the design engineer's idea is using Al to conduct the heat to stainless steel & let the stainless steel to cook the food safety and not stick. Some manufacturers use SS Al alloy Al Al alloy SS to build the pan & the result seems good. The cost is quite high. I think that the copper plate on SS pot may be not so ideal because the plating thickness may be only for the outlook & not for heat conduction. The cost is lower than the upper one.
Since copper is a better conductor compared to the stainless steel, it conducts heat to the stainless steel faster. This can reduce the accumlation of heat and ensure even heating. Stainless steel also has a shiny surface and is a good reflector.