case study of management& marketing
我做CASE STUDY時,個腦會唔知點算, 唔知應該點樣捉D 答案.. 有無人可以教我點樣做CASE STUDY..方法OR 有咩要注意OR 步驟? 同埋要寫500字英文到,應該點樣分配..?
500字做casestudy的確係少左d... 同埋management既case同marketing既case又會有唔同... 但係我覺得casestudy最好就係問自己問題 500字可能問1~2條啦....例如formarketing.....問 3p 4c? etc啦... 整一兩條問題俾自己答..咁我覺得係最好的了 當然問題要關果科事啦
1) Know the problem statement stated at the beginning of your case study. Your lecturer should provide you some direction to look at this problem. 2) Depends on your subject of this case study, I assume it's a general management subject.i.e. not subject-confined, you can: Read through the passages, try to classify the information about the company into different category: a) Marketing, b) Human Resources; c) Accounting; d) Finance etc. 3) Find out the phenonomeon, such as dropping market share, sales revenue etc. 4) Drill down to each of the phenonomeon to find out the root cause of the problem. 5) Try to list down the problems(phenonomeon) and list your solutions, as well as the possible impact to the firm. Try to solve the easy to do and big impact problem. You can try to look at the numeric figures listed in the table provided, particularly the sales volume: what drops most...may reveal the tip of the ice-burg. 6) Also, remember, pay attention to personnel issue. Sometimes, you also need to know about the political environment of the firm(if it's mentioned) or spot out who did wrong. 7) Allocation of words: depends on your level of study. You will find it difficult to write ONLY 500 words if you did drill down into the problem. 1:2:2:1 Summary:Problem:Solution:Conclusion/Forecast|||||做case study,首先要將case 入面既重要事實 / 資料勾出黎先,然後搵theroy support,或者俾一個有力既理由佢講佢有乜好,有乜唔好,點好,點唔好。 d points 逐個逐個解釋,唔好寫完因同果寫埋一齊,如果解釋一件事要花好多字數,就唔該下一個 point 要分段。 仲有,有時 case study 唔會俾晒d 背景資料你,例如當時既經濟情況,或者同另一個地方有冇咩 agreements,所以試下諗埋呢d 「常識」入去。 當然,多數俾得 case study 你,都係同某d 課文內容有關,你咪就住個內容放入個 case,睇睇有乜異同。 500 字點寫好?唔駛用太多字去重複返case 既背景資料,答到個 behind 既原因會比較好。
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